Privacy Policy

Identification Data of the Operator:

In the operation of the online shop and related activities, the company SELECTAFASHION, spol. s r. o., Záhradná ulica 109/2 935 37 Dolný Pial, ID No.: 50 897 080, entry in the Commercial Register of the District Court of Nitra, Sec: Sro, File No.: 43303/N the data controller of the personal data of its potential Customers and Consumers or or other persons who provide personal data for any of the purposes listed below. 

The Controller processes personal data in accordance with Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"), so that all personal data is protected to the greatest extent possible. 

Joint controllers: 

Ing. Róbert Guman, ID No.: 50889281, Švábska 59, 080 05 Prešov 

SELECTAFASHION RG s.r.o., ID 51108674, Švábska 6765/59, 080 05 Prešov

WE SELECT s.r.o., ID: 51741521, Ďurčanského 751/3, 949 01 Nitra

SELECTAFASHION TRADE s.r.o. ID No: 54455723, Ďurčanského 751/3, 949 01 Nitra

The joint controllers shall have a duly concluded joint controllers' agreement setting out the responsibilities of each of them for the performance of their duties and tasks in relation to the protection of personal data. The essential elements of this agreement, such as the identification of the Contracting Parties, the subject matter of the agreement, the duration of the agreement, the provisions governing the exercise of your rights, the obligations of controllers to provide information and contact points, are available at HERE.

Regardless of the terms of the agreement, you can exercise your rights with and against each controller.

You are obliged to provide correct, complete and up-to-date personal data when providing personal data to the Seller. If the personal data provided changes during the period of processing by the Seller, you are obliged to notify the Seller of such change.

The Personal Data We Process

Required data for creating an order:

  • e-mail address:
  • title,
  • name,
  • surname,
  • delivery and billing address,
  • telephone contact,
  • bank account in case of withdrawal from the order.

Optional data:

  • social status,
  • date of birth.

Personal Data We Automatically Process

To offer what you are interested in, we use information about the goods you have purchased or visited on our website. When you visit our website, we may collect certain information about you, such as your IP address, the date and time you accessed our website, information about your Internet browser, operating system or language settings. 

If you have enabled the storage of cookies in your browser and agree to their use, we collect data about your visit to the website, products viewed and other activity on the website. We process this data statistically via Google Analytics. For more information about what data Google processes about you, please see Google's privacy policy notice (Google Privacy Policy).

However, information about your behavior on the website is anonymized for reasons of maximum privacy, and therefore we are not able to attribute it to a specific user, i.e. a specific person.

More about cookies here:

Why We Collect and Process Your Personal Data

For the purpose of concluding the purchase contract and its execution, the processing of personal data in the scope of title, first name, surname, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number and bank account details is necessary. This data is necessary for the delivery of your order and to contact you if necessary.

The legal basis for the processing of personal data in the case of the purchase of goods through the online shop and the delivery of goods to the Customer is Article 6, Para. 1(b) of the Regulation on the Protection of Natural Persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR Regulation") and, in the case of claims, Article 6, Para. 1 (c) of the GDPR Regulation.

Legitimate interests: 

  • Customer Reviews of Goods and Services: After you purchase goods or services from us, you may be asked to rate them. It is also possible to insert a rating on your own initiative. Providing a review is voluntary. By submitting a review, you consent to such disclosure and processing of your personal data by the Seller for the purpose as set out above for an indefinite period of time. The Seller is not responsible for any processing of your personal data by the operators of the websites on which they are published or by other persons. 
  • Improving Our Services: Using your order history and web behavior we can offer you more relevant offers for other goods. We can also use tools for testing different variants (A/B testing), Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics, etc. to optimize elements on the website.
  • Contests on the Social Networks of Facebook and Instagram: We process the following personal data for the purpose of running contests through the Facebook and Instagram social networks: the data provided in the profile of the contestant and, in the case of a winner, his/her name, surname, telephone number, address and photo with the prize. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is Article 6, Para. 1 (b) of GDPR Regulation. The processing of personal data by SELECTAFASHION, spol. s r.o. and joint controllers is necessary for the purposes of the contest in accordance with its terms and conditions.
  • Newsletter: On our online shop website, you have the possibility of subscribing to a regular newsletter with our product offer by registering your e-mail address. If you do not wish to receive the newsletter to your e-mail address or if you wish to change the e-mail address to which we send the newsletter, please inform us by e-mail at, or in writing to the Seller's address. You can also unsubscribe by clicking the request in the body of the newsletter.
  • Customer Photos: The Customer has the possibility to send the Seller a photo of him/herself in clothes or with accessories purchased from the Seller for the purpose of publishing it on the online shop websites ( and and on, and Submitting a photo is optional. By sending the photo, the Customer agrees to its publication.

The Seller is not responsible for any processing of your personal data by the operators of the websites on which they are published or by other persons.

The legal basis for the processing of personal data in the case of the purchase of goods through the online shop and the delivery of goods to the Customer is Article 6, Para. 1(f) of the Regulation on the Protection of Natural Persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR Regulation") and, in the case of complaints, Article 6, Para. 1 (c) of the GDPR Regulation. 

To Whom We Provide Personal Data

SELECTAFASHION spol. s r.o. and the joint controllers further entrust the processing of personal data to other entities as so-called processors. A processor is any body that processes personal data for the purposes and in the manner set out by SELECTAFASHION spol. s r.o. and the joint controllers. Where your consent is required for processing, we will only transfer data to processors if you have given your consent. We only pass on to processors the data necessary for the provision of their services. 

List of Processors: 

  • Slovenská pošta, a.s., IČO: 36 631 124, Partizánska cesta 9, Banská Bystrica 975 99, (zaistenie distribúcie tovarov)
  • GLS General Logistics Systems Slovakia s.r.o., IČO: 36 624 942, Lieskovská cesta 13, 962 21 Lieskovec, (zaistenie distribúcie tovarov)
  • DHL Express (Slovakia), spol. s r. o., IČO: 31 342 876, Letisko M.R. Štefánika, 820 01 Bratislava
  • Packeta Slovakia s. r. o., Kopčianska 3338/82A, 851 01 Bratislava
  • BestUniverse s.r.o., IČO 46964452, Škultétyho 536/44 949 12 Nitra (sprostredkovateľ dodávajúci IT systém a hosting)
  •, s.r.o., IČO 46655034, Pri Suchom mlyne 6, 811 04 Bratislava
  • orgány finančnej správy, daňoví a právni poradcovia a audítori ako prevádzkovatelia alebo sprostredkovatelia, ak je to nevyhnutné na splnenie zákonnej povinnosti spoločnosti
  • Facebook Ireland Ltd., so sídlom 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Írska republika ako prevádzkovateľ osobných údajov v rozsahu fotografie a prípadne aj označenia menom a priezviskom, pričom táto spoločnosť bude osobné údaje spracúvať v súlade so svojou Politikou ochrany osobných údajov (
  • The Rocket Science Group, LLC d/b/a MailChimp, 512 Means St., Suite 404, Atlanta, Georgia, USA („Mailchimp“) (zasielanie obchodných oznámení)
  • Yotpo Ltd., 39 West 14th Street, 2nd Floor Rooms 205, New York, NY 100 11, USA („YOTPO“) (získavanie a zverejňovanie recenzií zabezpečuje predávajúci prostredníctvom portálu)
  • Global Payments s.r.o., ktorá podniká v Českej republike, so sídlom V Olšinách 626/80, Strašnice, 100 00 Praha 10, Česká republika
  • Global payments s.r.o., Organizačná zložka, Vajnorská 100/B, 83104 Bratislava – Nové Mesto, Slovensko


Transfer to Third Countries

We do not actively transfer your personal data to third countries outside the EU. However, some of the partners with whom we cooperate in the processing of personal data make such transfers, specifically to the USA. Those to whom they disclose this data in the U.S. comply with the protections provided by the U.S.-EU Privacy Shield, thereby providing an adequate level of protection for your personal data.

How Long We Process Your Personal Data

In the case of processing of personal data for which consent has been given, your personal data will generally be processed for a period of 10 years or until such consent is withdrawn.

Security of Personal Data

All communication between your device and our web servers is encrypted. Login credentials are encrypted and all your data is stored only on servers in secure data centers with limited, carefully controlled and audited access. Paper data is stored in a locked office secured by a password-protected alarm. 

Personal Data of Persons Under the Age of 16

Our online shop is not intended for persons under the age of 16. A person under the age of 16 may only use our online shop if his/her legal guardian (parent or guardian) has given his/her consent to do so.

Your Rights in Relation to the Processing of Personal Data

Upon written request, you have the right to demand from the Seller, in particular:

  • information on the processing of personal data in a generally comprehensible form,
  • confirmation on whether or not personal data about you is processed,
  • a list of your personal data subject to processing,
  • rectification, completion or deletion of your incorrect, incomplete or outdated personal data subject to processing, 
  • the destruction of your personal data for which the purpose of the processing has ended; if official documents containing personal data are the subject of the processing, you may request their return, 
  • the destruction of your personal data subject to processing if there has been a breach of the law, 
  • blocking of your personal data due to withdrawal of consent before the expiry of its validity period, if the Seller is processing personal data on the basis of the data subject's consent,
  • the portability of personal data,
  • objection to the processing of personal data

The data subject may exercise these rights by contacting the company:

  1. by sending a letter in writing to the address of the registered office of the company, stating the name and surname of the responsible person under the name of the company; address for sending the request: SELECTAFASHION.COM, Turistická 8, 949 01 Nitra,
  2. electronically by sending an e-mail to the above e-mail address,
  3. by phone,
  4. via the contact form at

As the data subject, you have the right to contact the Office for Personal Data Protection, Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27, but please do not hesitate to contact us before doing so. If you exercise any of these rights, we will inform you of the processing of your request within 30 days of the date of receipt of your request by us. In justified cases, we may extend this period to 60 days, which we will inform you about.

The relevant legislation is in particular the GDPR Regulation, the applicable Personal Data Protection Act as amended and other applicable generally binding legislation.